Zaytoon Business Solutions
Our Mission
To empower underserved communities and bridge the gap between urban-centric financial systems and rural economies.
Explore LandingVillage Digital Booth
We have a extensive network of 250 Village Digital Booths, strategically located in regions like Jessore, Chapainawabganj, Naogaon, Munshiganj other rural hubs.
Explore LandingFuture Aspirations
Zaytoon Business Solutions is dedicated to scaling its operations, innovating financial products, and extending its reach to more underserved areas. By leveraging its partnerships and community-oriented approach, it aims to be a leader in rural financial transformation.Zaytoon Business Solutions is not just a company; it’s a movement toward bridging the urban-rural divide in financial accessibility, fostering economic empowerment, and creating a sustainable future for rural Bangladesh.
Explore LandingCore Services
By partnering with Mutual Trust Bank and BRAC Bank, it enables communities to access services like receiving and sending remittances, depositing and withdrawing cash and facilitating digital transactions through Bangla QR
Explore LandingImpact on Rural Communities
Zaytoon’s efforts are geared toward financial inclusion, ensuring access to essential services for rural populations which are often excluded from traditional banking. The model not only empowers individuals but also stimulates local economic activity by creating job opportunities through its booth network.
Explore Landing Zaytoon
Village Digital Booth of Zaytoon Business solution
Story of changing Lives:
আগে মেয়ের দেয়া টাকা তুলতে ১৫ কিলোমিটার দূরে যাওয়া লাগতো। ভিলেজে ডিজিটাল বুথ এর কারণে আমার আর প্রতিমাসে এতো দূরে যাওয়া লাগেনা।

দুরদুরী ভিলেজে ডিজিটাল বুথ
সাতকানিয়া চট্টগ্রাম
উনি একটি বেসরকারি কোম্পানিতে চাকরি করেন, আজকে বন্ধের দিনে জরুরী মুহূর্তে টাকা উঠাতে পেরে ধন্যবাদ জানালেন
জয়তুন বিজনেস সলিউশনের সংশ্লিষ্ট সবাইকে

দুরদুরী ভিলেজে ডিজিটাল বুথ
সাতকানিয়া চট্টগ্রাম
তেলকুপি ভিলেজ ডিজিটাল বুথ শিবগঞ্জ চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জ থেকে মাদ্রাসার সুপার স্যার সোনালী ব্যাংকের কার্ড দিয়ে তার বেতন উত্তোলন করেন।

তেলকুপি ভিলেজ ডিজিটাল বুথ
মো: মোজাম আলী গোপন পিনের মাধ্যমে স্বল্প সময়ের কোনো রকম ঝামেলা ছাড়াই রেমিট্যান্স উত্তোলন করলেন। উনার ছেলে মালয়েশিয়া থেকে টাকা পাঠিয়েছিলেন। উনি গ্রাম থেকে খুব অল্প সময়ে টাকা উত্তোলন করতে পেরে খুব খুশি।

জাগিরপাড়া ভিলেজ ডিজিটাল বুথ
In Bangladesh, 57% of the population above the age of 15 has bank accounts. While this figure is not unsatisfactory, it still highlights a significant gap in financial inclusion across the country. Zaytoon Business Solutions was founded with the aim of reaching people in rural and remote areas who have been excluded from the benefits of economic and financial growth. Our country has experienced considerable economic growth, but this progress has not reached all segments of society, particularly those residing in areas distant from major urban centers and economic hubs.
Zaytoon employs a simple model: local entrepreneurs operate Village Digital Booths (VDBs) to serve their communities. These VDBs provide financial and other digital services, and in the long term, they are envisioned to function as cash-in-cash-out points similar to those found in developed countries. We aspire to expand our reach to every corner of Bangladesh, ensuring financial inclusion for rural and marginalized communities, enabling them to participate in the country’s overall growth.

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